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Keys in SQL

Sumit Kesarwani3085 18-May-2013

In this blog, I’m explaining the keys in sql and how to create it.

Primary Key

A Primary Key is a column which has unique values in the column. A primary key uniquely identifies the each record in the table. A Primary key column cannot have null values. A primary key can be made up of single column or multiple columns.


CREATE TABLE tablename(column name datatype(size) primary key,column name datatype(size))

CREATE TABLE tablename(column name datatype(size) ,column name datatype(size),primary key(column name))

CREATE TABLE student(student_id int primary key,student_name varchar(30),student_address varchar(30),student_mobile int,
student_branch varchar(10),student_date_of_birth date,);
CREATE TABLE student(student_id int,student_name varchar(30),student_address varchar(30),student_mobile int,
student_branch varchar(10),student_date_of_birth date,primary key(student_id));
Composite Key

When we have a Primary Key of a table defined using more than one columns then it is known as a Composite Key, each columns data can be duplicated, but combined values cannot be. The columns which are participating in a composite primary key are not simple keys.


CREATE TABLE tablename(column name datatype(size) ,column name datatype(size),column name datatype(size),primary key(column name, column name))

CREATE TABLE book(name varchar(30),author varchar(30),dept varchar(30),primary key(name,author));
Foreign Key

Foreign Key is a field in database table that is Primary key in another table. It can accept multiple null, duplicate values. A column of one table points to the Primary Key column of another table to implement referential data integrity. Foreign keys define a relationship between two tables. A foreign key identifies a column or group of columns in one (referencing) table that refers to a column or group of columns in another (referenced) table.


CREATE TABLE tablename(column name datatype(size), column name datatype(size),column name datatype(size), column name datatype references tablename);

CREATE TABLE book(name varchar(30),author varchar(30),dept varchar(30),student_id int references student);
Candidate Key

A Candidate Key is a set of one or more fields/columns that can identify a record uniquely in a table. There can be multiple Candidate Keys in one table. Each Candidate Key can work as Primary Key.  A Column (or) Combination of columns which can help uniquely identify a record in a table without the need of any external data is called a Candidate Key. Depending on the need and situation a Table may have one or more candidate keys and one of them can be used as a Primary Key of the table.

CREATE TABLE student(student_id int primary key,student_roll_number int,student_enrollment_number int,student_name varchar(30),student_address varchar(30),student_mobile int,
student_branch varchar(10),student_date_of_birth date,);

In this query, student_roll_number and student_enrollment_number can be used as candidate key.

Updated 18-Sep-2014

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